domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013


Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

The guinea pig is a rodent native to the Andes of South America and Native in the Andean Region.
It is small, very docile and easy to handle.
It is a pet that has excellent quality meat protein.
The breeding of this animal is widespread in our country, under family breeding system, developed based on the use of fodder, grass and kitchen waste and harvesting.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.


The female reaches sexual maturity at an early age (35 days), however, is not convenient time to reproduction or mating; it is still growing and cannot meet its development needs, or lactating.  The recommended age for mating for both female and males, it is from 3 to 3.5 months.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

The sex ratio during mating must be 8-10 female per 1 male.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

In childbirth a female can produce from 1 to 4 off springs, being birth frequency deliveries 2-4 pups. Occasionally births produce 5-6 pups, and when this happens 1 or 2 of them die.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Gestation lasts about 65 days.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

The most favorable age of weaning is 21 days.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

The rate or speed of growth of the cuy is expressed   in weight gain. The weight ratio is the offspring directly with the size or number of litters. 1 litter of 2 individuals can reach up to 120 grams in weight each, while in litters of 6 individuals, their weights can only get between 50-80 grams.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

The guinea pig is an herbivorous animal that transforms fodder into flesh, but keep in mind that any change of one forage to another should be gradual, otherwise gases occur by alterations in the intestinal flora, diarrhea, colic, abortions and deaths.

Picture take by : Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina.

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