sábado, 1 de junio de 2013


Before receiving the chickens:

Perform area cleaning and disinfection of cages, equipment, interior of the building, service areas and equipment. Check all equipment for adjustment and operation. Remove old feed, feeders and canals. Disinfect and allow them to dry before new feed is placed. Place rat poison where it won’t be consumed by the poultry.

A day before receiving  the  chicks:

House temperature should be at 32 ° C at the level of the chicks.
Check the water system. Adjust to the proper height for chicks. Disinfect and clean water pipe jet.

The day of receiving the chicks:

During the first six weeks

Operate feeders to provide the birds with food twice a day, or even more often after six weeks,

Observe food consumption and body weights against theoretical graph sheet (although 10% of pullets to get a meaningful average.)

Observe daily the water available in each row of cages. Make sure there are no leaks and repair them if there are any.
Increase water as the birds grow.
Follow the vaccination program.
Remove death birds daily and dispose of them properly. Examine the causes of excess mortality.
Three days before moving pullets to laying, start using soluble vitamins and electrolytes in the drinking water. Continue for three days after housing thus minimizing the stress caused by the transfer.

Driving position period.

Making the change of bird food and continue the vaccination plan to the collection of eggs minimum three times a day to inspect the health of the birds constantly to prevent disease outbreaks, daily stress data collection and sampling  birds to determine the proper development of birds.

Install thermometers  five inches from the floor to determine the temperature of the house, fill water troughs or put the water system in operation.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

The handling of hens in production becomes quite a  routine. Basically it boils down to the following activities:

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

          1.  Provision for food and water for fowl.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

     2.  Clean and disinfect  sprues daily at least once a week with a product     recommended for this purpose.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

1  3.Collecting eggs two to four times a day, which are stored in special deposit boxes and sorted by size of and type.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.
         4.Check operation of the feeders and waterers.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

1               5. Revise the bed, and replace it if  wet.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa.

          6. Check the bedding material of nests and replace it if is very dirty.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

picture take by: Aidy  Luz Argumedo.

1          7.  Remove the dead poultry and bring them immediately to the place of waste, to be buried or burned.

   7.Remove sick hens. It is useful to examine those sick hens to find out  what is affecting them, Remove unproductive hens. This can be done once a week to avoid altering the poultry too often, Remove the broody hens and give them the right treatment to restart the laying cycle.

9. Record daily information with the complete production carried for each group of hens.

The information required to bring an efficient poultry farm should  undertake the following:
Daily record of food consumed per hen in the dugout.
Existing number registration of hens in the dugout every day.
Dead hens registration per day.
Food conversion Registration / eggs.
Broken or unusable eggs for sale registration  

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

 The beekeeping.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina

Beekeeping  or bee cultivation is a farming activity  oriented to  breed bees and to provide them the  necessary care in order to get the products you are able to produce and gather in order to meet the needs that  man has for these.

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina

The main product that gets the man in this activity is honey. An indirect benefit resulting from the bees activities of pollen recollection performing  pollination of the plants. 

Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa Ospina

Peking order of the bees.

Bees are social insects with three different types of individuals or castes in the colony:

1) Queen Bee.

2) Working bee.

3) Drone bee. 

Life of Bees.

Bees belongs to the family of the Hymenoptera, (Greek hymen = membrane), insects translucent and membranous wings, like the wasp and ant. It lives in all parts of the World, except in regions where winter is too cold. There are numerous species of bees, but we call it  honey bee, its scientific named is  Apis melífica (or Apis mellifera) 

Royal jelly.

It is a substance secreted by the  head hypopharyngeal glands of young  worker bees , between 5 and 15 days, mixed with stomach secretions that provides food for all larvae during the first three days of life. Only the queen bee larvae and queen cells that give rise to a new queen is fed royal jelly at all times. It is a viscous mass of soft yellow and sour taste.


1.Copulate with the queen bee.
2.Feeding larvae.
3.Monitor temperatures.


3 days                 6 days                  7 days  
!------------------------!------------------------!  16 Days.

egg              Larva           Pupa 


Give cohesion to the whole group.
stimulation induces conducive to work and overall dynamism
It is the mother, under normal conditions, of all individuals in the colony.

Cycle working bee.

The worker bee lives in the active period of the spring-summer of 45-60 days in the winter period
recess 180 days de receso invernal hasta 180 días

3 days                                  6 days                       12 days
       Egg             larva                     pupa                               21 días


Crosses between pure breeds are in search of higher production, which are denominated. that the breeder is able to avoid inbreeding, since it reduces fertility and vigor of the hive to the point of not surviving.
Generally the crosses develop a new stable combination, which the feature is transmitted to their daughters but not their granddaughters, who makes each time you want to get a hybrid queen, bees have to resort to high purity of race, and there is a low probability of repeating the result.


The language of bees.

All essential information to the organization of the hive comes from chemical secretions, pheromones, secreted by the queen but also by workers. Messenger substances is circulating from one another through the mouth and the antenna and that they get all the information.
Pheromones are used to identify such places - identification of the hive, nectar springs location of places of swarming, queen of the drones in the wedding back ... - To issue alerts, monitor food stocks, the population balance regulating the laying of the queen, permanently maintain the ideal temperature and humidity within the hive 

 Bees also have among them a very precise code language, the dance: this dance performed by the scout bees at the arrival to the hive,  it informs the other about the place and the distance from a source of supply.

The dance in a circle means a place very close (within 25 meters). To further afield to ten kilometers, dance or dance bustling eight very complicated figures indicates oscillations depending on the abdominal and vibrations emitted, the distance of the loot to pick.

The address is expressed relative to the position of the sun. The distance by the number and speed of the turns made ​​by the bee on itself.

An essential role in nature:

Bees play an essential role in pollination, the multiplication of floral species and the development of fruit crops without pollen, no fruit, no bee pollination! Bees are very sensitive to pollution. It is essential that men respect their environment and maintain favorable conditions for its development: eg. avoiding harmful chemical treatments on fruit crops, destruction of hedgerows lining the fields, rich in plants melíficas, or abandonment of crops such as alfalfa or clover, large nectar producers.