To castrate male piglets is a standard management
on pig farms. The main reason is to avoid the effect of "male odor"
in pig meats when they are cooked and consumed.
The molecules responsible for "male odor" is primarily androstenone and skatole. androstenone is a pheromone
produced in pig testicles and which accumulates in the boar salivary and
released at a time of excitation, but also in fat deposits. Skatole is
bacterial degradation product of tryptophan, an amino acid.
Due to the
smell, some slaughter houses or distributors require that all males are
castrated, but this is not to offer too many advantages to the producer.
From a management standpoint, it is a task to
perform in maternity. Poses a risk of death added to piglets as this must be
done properly and also is left an open wound that can to be input to an infection
to be treated preventively with antibiotic male piglets.
From the point of view of production, not
better or conversion rate, or the average daily weight gain in bait, or the
performance of the channel.
Picture take by: Neify Ochoa 11/09/2012 - GUIA farm El Reposo,Apartado - Antioquia
Apprentice performing Castration of piglets
Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa 17/05/2012 - Vereda Peñitas, Chigorodo, Antioquia
Newborn piglets.
Picture take by: Aidy Luz Argumedo 11/07/2012 - GUIA farm El Reposo,Apartado - Antioquia
Pigs weaned at 21 days,suitable for castrating.
Picture take by: Aidy Luz Argumedo 11/07/2012 - GUIA farm El Reposo,Apartado - Antioquia
The criteria for deciding the timing of weaning is
based on several considerations, among them are:
Weight and vigor of the piglets.
Power System.
Equipment and facilities.
Management and sanitary control
Picture take by: Cleris Janeth Serpa 30/07/2012 - CLEM, Tulua Valle
Zungo Breed piglets .
Steps for castration of piglets
- Location and setting testicles
- Disinfection and cutting to discover Testicles
- Taken from testicles and cut gowns
- Rotation of the testicle on the cord and release
Requires the presence of two people to perform the
castration, one to hold the pig and another to operate. The scrotum is washed
and disinfected with alcohol or recessed Creolina solution (Especifico). With a
scalpel do an incision in the front of the scrotum toward the midline.
Each testis is pushed through the wound wraps of
separating and extracting a good portion of the spermatic cord. You must link
the cord before cutting or gently scrape the cord until it breaks without
causing bleeding. It should disinfect the wound and control any further sign of